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This is what The Money Mentor Clients have to say


”I can confidently say that with just 6 sessions I see a huge difference in myself, I see growth as well as I have achieved the immediate goals I set myself. Nurain challenged me to push myself out of my comfort zone, by opening my mind set and looking outside the box for answers that produce amazing results”- Laura



“To have Nurain Abudu as my coach was a great pleasure. He has the ability to support me in every area he coached me on. He constantly led me to commit to taking action which yielded great results”- Eugene




“I found the session where we discussed my values and the things that are important to me extremely valuable as it got me thinking in a way that I never had before and now I know in future that I can draw upon what came out of that session to make decisions which means that I can also be more decisive”- Oneka




“The overall impact of the sessions that it helped me to keep talking and keep fighting for my goals at a time which was not easy for me and I was tempted to give up and  shift  responsibilities to outer circumstances”- Valentina




“Working with my coach enabled me to look at what was blocking me from making the decisions required to get my life back on the move and sorted. I found myself able to make informed choices, work out a plan with a course of action and a time frame to work in”- Merline




“There were times when I fed up and frustrated along the way, nevertheless, Nurain’s calm persistent and probing way of questioning and his making me to commit to the targets I set myself helped me greatly in achieving my goals” – Dele

