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Financial Awareness Seminars

money mentor life coachOne day seminars are regularly held in London, the aim of the Financial Awareness Seminars is geared toward informing you that your financial status is not only important but it can also through knowledge and awareness be improved. Financial issues and concepts are among the many topics that are represented this can then give you a clearer pathway and picture as to how you can use the information to become debt free and financially free.

Setting financial goals is mostly overlooked by many of us, we set goals of losing weight, going to the gym or being better at something, but how often do we consider a financial work-out? Has financial fitness ever crossed your mind?

Understanding how to set financial goals, focus on your financial goals and achieve them by improving your awareness of your financial situation, such as: improving your credit rating, learning how to read your credit file, increasing your money managementup and coming financial awareness seminar event skills and your chances of obtaining credit, loans, an over- draft or even a mortgage. When you are aware of the principles of money psychology and how various financial products work you can then leverage this knowledge and use it to set a financial plan that meets your financial needs and goals, ultimately setting you on the path to freedom from debt and financial freedom.

Do you know what it means to be financially free?  Are you financially free? If your answer is NO to either of these questions, this seminar is for you!

For your free consultation,        on 0203 371 7563

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